Friday, 3/5/2024 | 8:37 UTC+0
  • The Challenges of the 10x Growth Conference

    As an individual, what do you do to have a successful career? Do you even have a dream of being successful? Are you even thinking about how you are going to achieve your dreams and be successful in the future? If you are not doing anything to reach the top of your career, then something is probably missing in your life. And that is an inspiration, which does not need to be always a person, but words that will make you bring out your best.

    Do you know what you need? If you have not heard about the 10x Growth Con, then you need to learn about it because this is what you need. Here, you can meet a lot of people from different walks of life. You will also hear different success stories as well as their struggles. You might be thinking about this as a simple conference. …

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  • Routes To Successful Business Growth

    One of the most daunting challenges for any startup is growth. It is presumed that small to medium enterprises have more scope for growth since they do not have to deal with an inherent market saturation or legacy issues but that is simply not true. Most startups fail because they do not become financially sustainable and the primary reason for that is lack of swift growth. A company cannot take ten years to attain substantial growth. However, a company that keeps growing can sustain losses for ten years. The venture capitalists and hedge fund managers will bank on the growth and not the fact that the enterprise is yet to be profitable. Here are some proven routes to successful business growth.

    • Understand the needs of the target audience and deliver accordingly. Every business comes up with something that they think their prospective customers need. A startup is not necessarily disruptive

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