Friday, 3/5/2024 | 1:02 UTC+0
  • The 4 Pillars of SEO: Learn Them

    There is something afoot at the Google headquarters in Mountain View, California. That something will manifest itself in a number of algorithms and search index changes the internet giant has said are now on the horizon. When all the dust settles, what Google intends to do within the next 12 to 18 months could end up being more transformational for the web than even the much-vaunted Panda update.

    If you are an SEO professional, you need to stay ahead of the game. Doing so starts by learning and understanding the four pillars of SEO under what will inevitably be a new Google paradigm. If you don’t get these pillars right, the table on which all your SEO practices rest will come crashing down.

    Pillar #1: The Aggressive Preference of Mobile

    Though it is hard to argue that any one of these pillars is more important than the rest, it is …

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