Thursday, 2/5/2024 | 12:30 UTC+0
  • What role does customer relationship play in a business success?

    Business is about building relationships. The better you build it, the more you determine how well you build your business, because it all comes down to the customer’s perspective. In the business world, it is essential to earn the trust of your customers because it is invaluable. CRM (Customer Relationship Management) allows companies to recognize the value of their customers and improve the relationship. Manage all your leads and contacts by organizing all their customer contacts in one place. It helps organize their contacts into specific groups, making it easier to find and interact with a customer segment.

    What is the need of CRM to grow your business?

    The long term success of any business lies in the customer relationship with the brand. When there is a string connection based on trust and communication, it retains the sales and referrals of the brand. The reputation is also enhanced in this …

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  • 4 Ways Customer Lifetime Value Analytics Can Improve Marketing

    Customer lifetime value (CLV) is a measure of the total profit generated by a customer throughout their relationship with your brand. This can be calculated using several factors, including how much revenue each customer generates, how long they keep that revenue flowing in, and what other costs are associated with them. The higher a company’s CLV, the better positioned it is to survive in today’s competitive marketplace. Here are four ways marketers can benefit from CLV analytics.

    Improving marketing ROI

    Customer lifetime value (CLV) is the total revenue generated by a customer across the entire length of their relationship with your business. It’s also a key metric for marketers to be aware of because it can help them improve marketing ROI and optimize marketing spending.

    The CLV analysis process starts with determining the average annual revenue per user (ARPU). This is calculated by dividing total annual revenue by the …

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  • How to deliver a superb food retail customer experience

    Customer service can make or break a food business. Word of mouth remains one of the best ways to attract new customers, and with the increase in online review sites such as TripAdvisor, making mistakes can become very public.

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    Meet and Greet

    Make sure that every customer who walks through the door is greeted personally, as soon as possible. Even if your waiting staff team is busy, ask them to keep an eye out for new arrivals, and to just say hello and ask them to wait.

    Don’t Keep Them Waiting Too Long

    Don’t leave a group of people around a table without anything to do! Get menus to them as soon as possible, and take the drinks order early. Offering a free appetiser such as breadsticks can help give the illusion they’ve been served more quickly.

    Make it an Occasion

    It isn’t just about the food; people …

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