Friday, 3/5/2024 | 4:44 UTC+0
  • The Balanced Scorecard and Metrics Management

    The balanced scorecard, also known as the BSC, is used extensively in business for metrics management, progress analysis, strategic planning and prioritisation of certain projects. Essentially, it joins the dots in a mass of business intelligence to form clear pictures.

    As a highly experienced freelance business intelligence analyst and data consulting professional, Chris Scanlon, a member of Thames Valley Business Advisors, urges every business to utilise a BSC and effective metrics management. He would be pleased to advise and work with companies to help maximise their business potential.

    When contemplating business intelligence, there is no uniform rule. Every client, operation, its history and focuses are unique, so the intelligence must be customised. Business metrics development is the first step towards customisation.

    Business intelligence involves analysing data to recognise the current position and expectations for the future. The data chosen for analysis relates to the most important metrics for the …

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