Friday, 17/5/2024 | 6:40 UTC+0
  • What are micro e-mini futures in stock trading?

    Micro e-mini futures are a form of stock trading that has become increasingly popular in Singapore. Micro e-mini futures are derivative instruments that are a fraction of the size of regular futures contracts, allowing traders to take positions in different markets with reduced risk and lower capital requirements than larger contracts. These contracts allow investors to take on greater risk with lower capital requirements and allow them to leverage their portfolios for higher returns.

    They also provide more flexibility than traditional stocks and other assets, allowing traders to speculate on multiple markets simultaneously. As such, micro e-mini futures have become an essential tool for many successful investors.

    How to use micro e-mini futures in Singapore

    If you’re looking at making more money with fewer risks, micro e-mini futures might be the right choice. To trade them, you’ll need to learn the basics and understand how they work in stock trading.…

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