Saturday, 18/5/2024 | 9:43 UTC+0
  • The Role of Technology in the Development of Selfies

    Selfies have become an integral part of modern culture, with people of all ages taking and sharing pictures of themselves on a daily basis. The development of technology has played a significant role in the evolution of selfies, from the first recorded self-portrait in 1839 to the high-quality images we have today. Here is a look at the role of technology in the development of selfies.

    The First Selfie

    The first recorded selfie is believed to have been taken in 1839 by Robert Cornelius, an American amateur photographer. Cornelius set up his camera in his family’s Philadelphia store and took a self-portrait by removing the lens cap and running into the frame. This primitive selfie was the first of its kind and paved the way for the selfies we know today.

    The Evolution of Cameras

    As cameras became more advanced, so too did the quality of selfies. The development of …

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  • Picosure Laser Technology For Effective Tattoo Removal

    Picosure technology is used in tattoo removal, to get rid of acne and wrinkles and to remove freckles and any other form of discoloration a specialist in Picosure laser procedures should carry out the procedures. It requires proper training and experience too. The finery has a team of specialist in Picosure technology. They use the method to remove tattoo. That is why they are rated as one of the best facilities for such treatment. In any of their facilities in all major cities, you will find them there.

    From New York city, to Boston and even Philadephia among other cities, you will find the Finery facility. Many people seeking tattoo removal service opt for picosure technology. This is not only because of the hype the technology has received recently, but also because it is less painful and results are instant. A team of Philadelphia laser tattoo removal reviews show that

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