Sunday, 5/5/2024 | 2:45 UTC+0
  • How to Move Home After University

    Useful advice on moving home after university which can be very difficult, especially during the first few months when you miss your university life the most.

    Moving home after 3 or 4 years at university can be really daunting. You have had all that freedom, a constructed education giving you a specific day to day regime, support and guidance, lots of friends and plenty of fun times. Moving back home can feel like a big step back and it can be really hard, however that doesn’t mean it can’t represent a really exciting next stage of your life.

    Here are some top tips to help you move home after university:

    Understand Why You Are Moving Home

    You have been so independent, it might feel like you’ve had to move home. However, your future is your own and the likelihood is that moving home enables you to save for a home …

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